

I am 33 years old and I am a mother of 3. I have been married for almost 13 years. I have always had very thick,wavy hair up until about 3-4 years ago. About 3 1/2 years ago,my hair started thinning DRAMATICALLY!!!! I am not sure the reason. I had blood work done. There is nothing wrong with my thyroid and I am not anemic.They did not seem to find any reason for the thinning. Going to the doctor was very helpful as you can see:)

It can be very depressing. But I refuse to use products like rogaine that will only help until I quit using them. I would,honest to God,shave my head first. I have really short hair right now just because I find it stylish.

Back when my hair was super thick I would have looked like a chia pet if my hair was this short. Unfortunately,I no longer have that problem. Anyway,if I could go back to my younger self and kick that girl who always wished for thinner hair. Careful what you wish for,right?

I have had to adjust and I am more than my hair anyway.So the products that I buy have had to be adjusted also. Just remember,if you are like me and your hair is thinning,cheer up!!!! We are MORE THAN OUR HAIR!!!

We always notice more than anyone else anyway. I have probably burned a hole in my hair part from all the staring to see if it has widened. Confidence is key. Have thinning hair and be proud. Shave your head and be proud. It is all a state of mind. Stick around and I may just post that I shaved my head one day. Anything goes nowadays. Bald,one side longer,green,etc. My motto has become---WHO CARES IT IS JUST HAIR

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