I have yet to find an eyeliner that I like better than my Rimmel eyeliners. My favorite are the special eyes liner and the kohl liner. They are inexpensive at about 4.00 each. I really like the smokey eye look. I usually smudge with a q-tip because smudge eye sponges always seem so expensive.
But I found one by ELF that is great. This is a cheaper makeup that Target,Kmart and Big Lots started carrying in their stores. The Targets that I shop at starting clearancing their ELF stuff around the beginning of January. I don't know if that means all Targets will clearance their ELF stock or not. So you might want to check Kmart or Big Lots.
The smudger brush came in a set with eyeliner,mascara and eye shadow. My almost 16 year old got all those things and I got the smudge eye sponge. I really love it and it works much better than a q-tip(sorry old friend).My daughter really likes the makeup that they make and I guess that is high praise coming from a teenager. If you can get your hands on one of these, hold on tight and don't let go!!!I always get the perfect smokey eye with Rimmel eyeliners and my Elf smudge eye sponge.
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